So, last night I went out with my friend and former co-worker, Robin and had such a good time. We shared a couple appetizers and drank lots of wine it was great and you know what? My husband was awesome!! He took care of the baby, didn't complain when I came home buzzed and started drinking more wine, made me dinner AND didn't get mad when I waited until I finished my wine to eat. Now that is seriously awesome. Anyway, I just wanted to say how awesome he is!
Ok, so here is my question of the day to the lovely ladies out there. I've been wondering this for a while and I figure what better way to get answers than to share it on my blog.
Now, I was talking to a friend a few months ago and she said she would NEVER wipe her ghine when she gets out of the shower with a towel because think of the bacteria that could be on the towel and then you wipe it on your ghine and you end up with some nasty infection. She said she just lets it air dry. Now, I'm thinking to myself, OH GOD, I always wipe otherwise, I would feel all water logged and stuff. Plus, what if you had leftover soap or something up there, wouldn't that be worse? But, then I began wondering if I was the only one who wiped their gine, just to clarify, I'm talking a quick but efficient swipe inside the gine not just outside. So, anyway ladies, what's the consensus? To Wipe or Not to Wipe, that is the question????
BTW, Cammie, sorry about the throbbing manhood. You can commiserate with Molanki, she has really had to hear alot of stuff you never want to hear about your brother. But, does that ever stop me?? Of course not!
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I will go out on a limb and be the first to comment. I do wipe with the towel. I have not had a problem so far. As far as air dring. I do not have time to air dry. She must not have kids, because Ella is in our room and would be staring and asking questions. There is no air dry time after kids.