Friday, August 28, 2009

The First Haircut

Stevie's First Haircut. What can I say? The kid came out with so much hair that literally by like 7 months he was ready for his first hair cut. I had put if off for a few months but, about a month ago, I could hold no longer. The hair was growing over his ears and in his eyes and Dad Dow kept telling me he needed a hair cut to which Steven responded "Who are you to talk? You get a hair cut like once a year!" It's funny because he is bald on the top and has curly hair so when it grows out long, he totally would look like Bozo if he died it red.

Anyway, Marlene, a friend of ours who is a great hairdresser, volunteered to give Stevie his first haircut at the house and we tried to arrange it for like a month until one day I couldn't stand it anymore and was like, just get your butt over here and do it so, it was kind of spur of the moment.

We tried first to put him in a chair but, he is sooo squirmy and I couldn't keep a hold of him good while bending down so we put him on the counter and Marlene cut while she could. She is amazing. Hair was flying everywhere, Steven's legs and arms were flying everywhere. Finally, I gave him a cookie and although, he made a complete mess and ended up eating some of his own hair as it kept falling on the cookie, it did the trick.

So, here is the best part. Stevie was not the ONLY one who ended up consuming his hair.....keep reading....

Marlene gave me some of Stevie's hair to save so I put it in a plastic sandwich bag and put it on top of the sugar jar on the counter for later (you can probably see where this is going) so of course, I forgot about the baggie until Steven called me a couple days later from work.

"You aren't going to believe what just happened to me." I'm like "What?" He says "I was packing my lunch this morning and I was getting some cheese curls. I saw that there was a convenient baggie right there on the counter so I put my cheese curls in it." Now I'm like "oh no!" He says "yes and the worst part is I only had a few cheese curls left when I realized what that weird texture was." I started cracking up.. so I say "So, you ate your son's first haircut?" "Yep" he says. I said "Well, some people eat the placenta when their baby is born, maybe you are creating a new tradition by eating your son's first haircut!"

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