Friday, August 28, 2009

Hi Aundy!

So, Stevie has started saying Hi and he says it to everyone and everything including his toys. It's really cute. Well, the other night I had "That 70's show" on TV and Stevie was playing and suddenly I hear him all excited saying "Hi, Hi, Hi and he ended by saying Hi Aundy!" which is what he calls his aunty. I'm like "what is he talking to?" I follow his eyes and realize he is looking at Hyde from that 70's show and saying Hi Aundy!

I started dying of laughter.

For those of you that aren't following me, my sister Christina has super curly brown hair just like Hyde from that 70's show and when he saw him on TV he thought it was Christina who he completely adores and so he started saying "Hi Aundy!" as in "Hi Auntie" It was really funny and also pretty cute too!


  1. Oh my God Amy! That is too funny! I'm sure Christina will love being compared to Hyde! Oh, and your last post nearly killed me....I can't believe he ate Stevie's first haircut!! I also won't be able to look at my dad's curls the same any are so right!!!

  2. absolutley hilarious. Thank you Steve for giving the food for thought hehehehehehe. Stevie is sooooo adorable....Love it when they start to talk...soooo cute

  3. I can't believe he turned 1 yesterday! Can you post some pictures of him with his first birthday cupcake?

