Monday, July 20, 2009

He's Here! I mean SHE'S Here!

So, Michelle has gone and done it. She had a baby girl yesterday afternoon and ruined my good predicting skills. I have been very proud of my ability to judge whether or not someone was having a girl or boy and she goes and ruins it! Much to her happiness. She and Mike wanted a girl. I know, I know as long as it's healthy but, PLEASE be real, we all have a preference. I admit it. I'd be happy having all boys although I hear girls are more cuddly and Stevie is definitely not cuddly so maybe having a girl wouldn't be so bad. Although, I really despise girly girls except for my neice Makayla and sister-in-law Michelle. I love them too much to really hate their girly girlness. I'm seriously jealous of girls like that though because they can wear cutesy clothes and barrettes and stuff. I tried once to put a dragon fly clip in my hair which I really liked and it looked so dumb plus, I also have a real love for those head bands that have cloth that tie in the back and when I try them on, I look like a maid ready to clean the house or a gardener or something, not cutesy like Makayla or Michelle. Maybe it's jealously that makes me hate girly girls after all. I just can't pull it off.

Anyway, back to my topic. Michelle had a girl and she is so sweet and cute!

Michelle called the house at like 2am yesterday morning and said, I feel like puking and I can't talk or walk and other things I would share about ME but, am protecting Michelle. WHY? because well she's more shy and girly girl like I said before. I'm like "Uh, that sounds like active labor and you should probably go to the hospital." She did thank goodness and was 4cm dialated. That was around the time I was screaming for an epidural so I'm pretty impressed!

So, now we have a new neice and I'm hoping she's a Tom Boy like me. Michelle would just hate it!!! I would love it!!! I would have to be her favorite then too. Well maybe not but, at least I wouldn't be alone in the Dow family. Michelle is girly girly cuty cuty, Cammie is a super-creative picture taking, crafty, scrap-booking amazingly creative crazy lady, Mom Dow is a super shopaholic, crafty bakeroo and I have none of this! I need a tom boy like me in the fam. I can see it now that I say this, Michelle WILL have a Tom boy and my next child will be girly girl. That wouldn't be so bad would it? Would be kind of fun. Never mind, yuck I hate pink frilly clothes. I don't know if I could deal. Maybe Michelle and I would have to swap or something. Isabelle IS really cute and Michelle has the same hair and eye color of Steven and Mike has the same as me AND Steven and Michelle are brother and sister so that might work after all. Food for thought.

Somehow I don't think Michelle will agree with this plan.


  1. Amy,

    You sell yourself short. You are very talented in many many many ways. I was a Tom boy growing up and played with my brother more than my sisters. My sisters were a bit older but I still preferred playing sports with Ian and I always ended up getting hurt but got right up and back into it.

  2. Isabelle will love playing in the mud and getting all of her cutesy dresses filthy with her Auntie Amy. I can see it now.


  3. i think you should blog about stevie's first haircut and what da da did with the hair.


  4. i agree Amy. Tell us about Stevie's first haircut hehehehe!!!!!
